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Y.E.S. We can repair your failed Home Elevator.
No need to replace it. Any Brand!

Toll free: (877) 533-3955

Things to watch for.

Your elevator does not run, everything seems normal. This may seem simple, however it may be may also be the most serious safety condition which you may find with your elevator. Most injuries and worse, which happen around elevators, happened to unqualified personnel trying to make the elevator operate as they think it should.

Do not under any circumstances try to preform service or repair on a stalled are dysfunctional elevator under any of the circumstances listed on this page. To do so could put you in great danger to life and limb.

Emergencies and what they are.
The fact that an elevator is not running does not constitute an emergency situation. If someone is trapped in a stalled elevator it may be an emergency, or it may not. The law and elevator safety code requires two-way communication from your elevator (a telephone), if you do not have one, contact elevator service company at once to have that corrected, it is the law and it is unsafe to be without it. Even in the case of entrapment, your elevator service company should be the first people you contact, rather than the fire department or police. The only exception to this is if there is known injury to the passengers in the elevator. To call the Fire or Police department before your elevator service company will almost certainly result in major damages and costs to your home. They will tend to use whatever means necessary to free a trapped person.

any noise made by your elevator which is out of the routine or ordinary asound of the equipment which you are used to should be addressed immediately. Scraping or rubbing sounds from the elevator shaft or the equipment or overhead. Elevator running for a short period of time during the time when not being used during the night or when idle.

Do not address these may lead to serious and very expensive damage to your equipment or your home and or injury to life and limb. Contact your elevator service company at once.

ELEVATOR ENTRY WAYS (doors & gates)
The elevator operates when the gate inside he elevator car is not closed and latched. This is a condition of extreme danger and a very common situation.

The elevator operates when the outside door or hallway is not closed and latched. This is also a condition of extreme danger and a common situation.

This helpful list by no means covers all the danger situations which may threaten your safety If they are not corrected. The law requires that all elevators home or commercial be maintained. That is only for your safety. As a note, it might be pointed out that if there is an accident or injury with your elevator, that any insurance coverage may well be denied if your equipment has not been maintained on a regular basis.

Contact us immediately if you feel any of the above applies to you.

Call  (877) 533-3955

“Compete to arrange a safety, code compliance, and operational evaluation.”

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